February 14, 2007
Photostudio Vernacular
On the heels of yesterday's post about a photostudio photographer, today I discovered a fantastic set of photostudio images on flickr. No context is given so I don't know the story behind them.
On the heels of yesterday's post about a photostudio photographer, today I discovered a fantastic set of photostudio images on flickr. No context is given so I don't know the story behind them.
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02/15/07 10:01 AM
Billie said...
These are fabulous!
Where do you think they are from Mexico or another Latin American country?
02/16/07 01:26 AM
Raul said...
The weird puffy shirts the women wear in many of these makes me think they're from somewhere in Central America... maybe Guatemala as that style of shirt is popular down there.
02/18/07 09:55 AM
Billie said...
Raul, I was thinking Guatemala too.
I keep thinking about these photographs and suddenly I connected them with Disfarmer's photos. I went and had a another look at Disfarmer's work and I do see a connection. Strange that two photographers working in isolation in different parts of the world have connections.
02/18/07 12:02 PM
Billie said...
I guess I'm just not letting go of these portraits. Take a look at: