January 29, 2006

Seth Thompson

Tonight I attended an opening for Seth Thompson at my friend Nelson's gallery in Dumbo. Mr. Thompson's show is titled "Interiorismo Popular" and features images of Mexican homes and churches taken with a 6x7 camera and natural light. Beautiful work. This image of a church was one of my favorites as it reminds me very much of the church in which Jenn and I were married. Don't judge the image by the website jpeg which is washed out. In person these photographs are spectacular. The show will be up until March so I recommend heading over to Dumbo to check it out.

update: Another Seth Thompson link. (annoyingly also with washed out jpegs!). Mr. Thompson your work is fantastic make some better scans!

posted at 12:17 AM by raul

Filed under: photographers


01/29/06 10:09 AM

Raul, Thank you for blogging about these images. They are lovely. My problem with them is that on my "to do list" for 2006 was a notation to photograph real Mexican kitchens. I don't want to be a copycat but I still have to explore this idea for myself. I always love long exposures. Something extra is revealed when the shutter is open for more than 1/2 minute. Wish I could see the exhibition.

01/29/06 04:31 PM

great link thanks glynnis

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