January 24, 2008
Found on Bergen & Smith
A list torn from a yellow notepad (scan to follow):
Resolutions 20081. Be smart.
2. Be strong.
3. Be aggressive!
4. End it with M.
5. Get through #4. No guilt.
6. Tell B how I feel.
7. Make B understand.
8. Don't make mistakes with B.
9. Love like a Tiger.
10. Live the life.
11. BE with B.
12. Forget THE PAST.
13. Get healthy in the brain.
14. Be happy.
15. Don't think about things too much.
01/24/08 10:14 AM
g said...
That's fabulous, even if you didn't find it on the street.
01/24/08 11:29 AM
MaryT said...
Wow. Enough cannot be said about loving like a tiger. I wish more people were so resolved. The rest of the resolutions are just icing.
01/24/08 12:07 PM
Janet Yu said...
Diid you find this at the subway stop? I always find the best stuff there. Two days ago I found a notebook full of personal affirmations a little like your list here.
01/24/08 02:13 PM
raul said...
Found it right outside the subway stop...
01/25/08 04:52 PM
mjulius said...
Whoa....and in just 15 steps.
01/26/08 08:21 AM
Richard said...
I loved the re-occurrence of B and be.
That B must be so much more than M
01/26/08 01:40 PM
julia said...
amazing - you have incredible finder's luck. if it was the nineteenth century, you could hire yourself out as a goldfinder.
01/26/08 06:01 PM
Eric Hancock said...
I'l try to work on the last three.
01/27/08 09:25 PM
kdunk said...
i will be adopting #9 - hilarious
01/28/08 04:57 PM
be OH be said...
#7 kinda scares me.
01/28/08 05:01 PM
b's ex said...
You should see the B's on B.
01/28/08 05:56 PM
Matthew Baldwin said...
Yes! M is going to be single; finally, my chance!
01/28/08 08:16 PM
guy said...
10. Live the life.
whatever it life it is I hope B is involved.
01/28/08 11:32 PM
B said...
Actually, I was about to make a play for M myself.
01/29/08 12:43 AM
Swatt said...
yes, you do have a knack for finding wonder. I *really* love this one.
01/29/08 02:09 AM
Anonymous said...
If you don't know it already listen to Lost and Found especially the last bit called 'I found your letter' read by the guy who works for Found Magazine. You'll love it. At some point he talks about how his brother who finds lots of great bits finds such great stuff. His brother says one in every 5 finds is a gem, so it just means being persistent and curious and keeping your eyes open.
01/29/08 08:49 AM
Elle Menopi said...
Best thing that could ever happen to M.
I hope B's restraining order is not a hindrance.
Loving like a tiger is hell on the bedclothes, believe me, I know.
02/02/08 07:39 AM
sam said...
what, no scan?
02/03/08 12:28 PM
raul said...
scan is coming sorry so slow!
02/04/08 06:34 PM
looking4poetry said...
having read the whole list, the last point definitely makes it to me :-))
04/10/08 09:47 PM
Thomas said...
15 is on my list every year.