May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
My wife was out of town this mother's day. For her card I asked my kids to close their eyes and tell me why they love their mom. As she was on their mind, the results I think were especially true. Here are the unedited results:
Raul Andres - Age 4
Happy Mother's Day.Dear Mom,
I love you to not wear clothes. You are like a... like a... lamp. You make me feel happy.
I want you to go in the milk and the salt.
Love Raul Andres
Now go in the sugar.
Gabriel - Age 2
Dear Mommy,Yes. Yes. Yes. I love mommy. I love mommy, one, two, three, four, twelve!
I eat her all up.
Delicious.Me Gabriel
05/11/09 10:24 AM
Janet said...
I see a future wedding speech!
Thanks for sharing. So amusing and real.
05/20/09 01:14 AM
unha said...
this is so so so great.
sent this to my husband as a hint that i want a card too next year!
did you get to record their voice too? that would've been such treasure too.
06/03/09 05:59 PM
ari salomon said...
fantastic. bold use of language!
06/03/09 07:38 PM
rena said...
sigh. now i want a little boy.