March 14, 2007

Sense Memory


posted at 12:57 AM by raul

Filed under: daily life

TAGS: #2 (1) hanging out (2) me (2)


03/14/07 02:04 AM

He's so impossibly tiny! My neighbor Owen is about to turn 5, he used to take naps on my chest just like that, when he was newborn. I look at him now and it's hard to fathom that he would have ever been small enough to fit. This photo is a lovely reminder of how very small they start out.

03/14/07 04:41 AM

Delightful to see this. His little red jacket or blanket is such an appropriate announcement to the world [ 'I have arrived' ].
Seeing this makes me miss my father so. I can actually physically remember when my hand felt so small in his as he walked me through Grand Central Station to our favourite restaurant somewhere nearby. Have you read Nabokov's "Speak Memory" ? There's a book made for you.

03/14/07 02:29 PM

That room is amazing!

03/14/07 04:35 PM

i was adding photos to flickr (aufdemweb) for the first time and noticed a photo of a woman holding a polaroid that was distinctly raul. that baby is teenier than the 1st? cute.

03/15/07 04:33 PM

Brings back so many memories. Now when I hold my son (22 months) I think my arms will fall off. When my daughter (4 years) wants to be carried, I feel like I will collapse. Wonderful image. Have fun.

03/15/07 04:36 PM

Teenie is hardly the word to use for a baby that size. My 3 month old isn't as big that this boy was at birth. Super portrait in a fantastic room

03/23/07 11:23 AM

i am SO in love with your interior decorating.
it is like my dreamland. i have one mounted antler like the 3 you have in this picture... and i surround it with other dark wooden objects against tropical green walls. similar tastes.

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