February 27, 2007
Jeff Wall Roundup
The new Jeff Wall show at MOMA has managed to stir the soup pitting those who admire Wall against his detractors. Here's a roundup of show reviews and blog posts (most from the last couple of days).
The New York Times profile and show review.
The New Yorker show review.
The Tate mounted Wall retrospective last year. The Tate site includes many images... good to check out for a bit of perspective.
Chris Keeley's thoughtful review.
Wall's show inspired Time to write a somewhat dismissive article on "staged photos". They group Wall with Cindy Sherman, Gregory Crewdson, and AES&F.
Alec Soth's blog entry on the Wall portrait by Justine Kurland in the Times article sparked this interesting discussion on artists doing editorial work.
An article on the Vancouver art scene and Wall's place in it.
Of course there is a wikipedia entry on Wall.
The Landscapist says he likes some of Wall's work but is annoyed by the underlying premise of the work...
Paul Butzi on Wall and 'nowhereness'.
Jon Anderson muses on Wall's constructed images as compared to found images
In Wall's work Dan Ng sees some redemption for creative people in advertising.
Doug Pummer is of two minds on the work...
As for me, I respect Wall. His recent images almost never hit me in the gut as did his earlier ones (sometimes I see the seams of the photoshop trickery which is a turnoff), but he's an important artist with something to say and I pay attention when he makes art... I appreciate the pure richness of his large lightboxes and enjoy decoding his art historical allusions. Much of the criticism of Wall comes from other photographers who find his work somehow threatening. I believe the opposite is true, and that his work has enlarged the range and scope of what people accept as art photography. I'm excited to see the show.
03/11/07 05:54 PM
Mark Jahan said...
More Wall discussion: