Projects / China / Bubbles
All work on this site is © Raul Gutierrez text blog rss links 3 Comments...
Kyle said...
Thank you so much...
bigA said...
I love how the human spirit will try to bring mirth to even the most sombre or austere setting. This composition illustrates that so well with the man blowing bubbles in the foreground and the rather serious looking soldier in the back.
myla said...
This is wonderful, for so many reasons. I've made this my 'favorite of the day' -- love your work. "I have nothing" -- brilliant piece.
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04/23/05 10:52 PM
Kyle said...
Thank you so much...
04/24/05 06:44 PM
bigA said...
I love how the human spirit will try to bring mirth to even the most sombre or austere setting. This composition illustrates that so well with the man blowing bubbles in the foreground and the rather serious looking soldier in the back.
05/17/05 06:32 AM
myla said...
This is wonderful, for so many reasons. I've made this my 'favorite of the day' -- love your work. "I have nothing" -- brilliant piece.