
Finally a decision

You know how sometimes in the city certain images stick in your head? This morning it was this guy, holding his Bible aloft, speaking in tounges, and ranting at nobody in particular (in the middle of Park Avenue). I swear I've seen the same guy next to the Santa Monica ferris wheel:

We were on our way to see more lofts. This one on Lafayette would have been cool if we had a few more months to clean & renovate:

Then we went down to Brooklyn to check out our options. All morning we had been debating the Dean Street loft versus the Brooklyn Heights townhouse. Jenn was leaning towards the loft I was going the other way, but a trip out to the loft and meeting the owner revealed that the back yard would soon be cut in half and the other half would be a smoking area for a bar. So basically there would be people hanging out a few feet from our bedroom late into the night..every night. Not cool. Also there was some issue with radiant heating and Persian carpets. This cemented our decision against the loft. So assuming money gets wired on time tomorrow we sign our lease and will end up in Brooklyn Heights in aa 19th century townhouse. We wanted a funkier neighborhood, but this is actually the only place we've seen with the right space/price. Note we saved a few hundred bucks a month by offering to pay 6 months up front (which shows it never hurts to ask). Frank our geriatric broker is happy. We're happy. We're going to start painting next week and then I'll go back to California to get the car and load the moving van. So that's the plan.

Afterwards we went to the new mall at Columbus circle. Locals don't like it being called a mall, but a mall it is.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to Brooklyn Heights. Yes, it's not quite so funky as Cobble Hill, but with Dumbo on one side, Cobble Hill and Smith St. not far away, and excellent subways (2,3,R,4,5,A,F,M) you can really get anywhere in Manhattan with zero effort. It's a great neighborhood and more than most any other neighborhood I've been in NYC it really fells like a *neighborhood*. People know each other and say hello constantly -- the height of friendliness.

8/19/2004 11:20:50 PM  
Anonymous said...

You two going to love Brooklyn Heights. We've lived on Hicks for 10 years (my husband grew up in Cobble Hill, I'm originally from Napoli in Italy). We're having a rooftop party in a few weeks and will invite you and your wife via e-mail. The blog is interesting. Please keep it going, we want to see how you like the neighborhood.

8/20/2004 07:08:28 AM  

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